
Healthy Feet for


There are many ailments common to seniors citizens that can be effectively treated by a podiatrist, yet these conditions can often go without the proper treatment due to a lack of awareness about podiatry services.

The older you are the more likely you are to experience pain in your feet, knees or lower limbs, particularly from patients whose employment has involved prolonged periods of standing. This is why for senior citizens the value of podiatry is much more than the removal of ingrown toenails or corns.

Problems with our feet can be the first sign of more serious medical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and nerve and circulatory disorders. That is why it is important to pay attention to your feet and seek medical attention as soon as you notice a problem.

Foot care tips

  1. Check your feet regularly, or if you are unable to see your feet adequately, ask for help.

  1. It helps to keep blood circulating to your feet as much as possible. Do this by putting your feet up when you are sitting or lying down, stretching if you've had to sit for a long while, walking, having a gentle foot massage, or taking a warm foot bath.

  1. Avoid pressure from shoes that don't fit right.

  1. Keep feet clean, warm and dry. Apply lotion to dry feet and powder to moist feet.Trim toenails straight across, not down into the corners. Avoid cutting nails too short. Nails should never be cut down to the flesh.

  1. Avoid exposing your feet to cold temperatures.

  1. Don't sit for long periods of time (especially with your legs crossed).

  1. Never use commercial corn pads or medicines. They often burn and irritate the skin, causing more damage.

  1. Don't smoke because it decreases blood supply and increases the chance of swelling and other circulatory problems.

  1. Avoid walking barefoot and wear comfortable shoes that fit well.

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